Saturday, October 11, 2008

Come to Our Garden

One thing our condo has, that our apartment didn't have, is a lovely patio perfect for gardening. Here are two of our favorites.

This geranium is gigantic, and the red flowers virtually vibrate in the bright patio sunshine. We bought this at a trip to the Leesburg Flower and Garden show with my brother and sister-in-law, on a cold and rainy April day. It has bloomed all summer long, and now fills an enormous pot.

Betsy likes to pick the flowers and sprinkle petals in puddles.

We've also had great success this summer with our edibles, herbs and peppers. For months and months, we've been making batches of searingly and deliciously hot jalapeno poppers, from just this one plant.

I'll be sad when first frost kills the more delicate herbs, but I'm also looking forward to the end of the mosquitos that keep us from dining on the patio!

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